Why I'm Freeze-Drying My Breastmilk—and Why You Should Too 💫

Why I'm Freeze-Drying My Breastmilk—and Why You Should Too 💫

So, why would a exclusively breastfeeding mama want to have her breastmilk freeze-dried?

Here’s my story. I've been breastfeeding for nearly 16 continuous years, and my babies never took a bottle. I tried, especially when working 12-hour shifts as a midwife. Not going to lie, it was often stressful, especially for my husband or my mama, who would care for them. They drank from a sippy cup or cups with a straw.....

Even though my babies were exclusively breastfed boobie monsters, I’ve been pumping throughout much of my 16-year (and counting) breastfeeding journey. Here’s why:

⭐Breastmilk is liquid gold, and I like having options even if I’m not around. They’d just drink it from a straw.

⭐It’s a superfood and a great addition to any recipe—think breastmilk pancakes, custard, smoothies, or even in the bath for bug bites, cuts, and burns. The list is endless!
⭐I regularly donate my breastmilk to other moms. Local and informal breastmilk sharing is a thing, and if more mamas did it, a lot more babies could receive breastmilk for longer.

So, what does all this have to do with freeze-dried breastmilk? Let me tell you.

Here’s why freeze-drying my breastmilk is a game changer. It allows me to store my precious milk for up to three years—yes, seriously, THREE YEARS! That’s way longer than the typical 12 months recommended for freezer storage, where it risks getting lost among forgotten packs of minced meat or those black bananas I always mean to turn into muffins (but never do).

The best part? Freeze-drying retains all the key nutrients and unique bioactive properties—basically, all the good stuff that can’t be replicated. This process not only frees up my freezer stash but also offers the thrill of having my very own milk turned into powder. Honestly, the idea is just too cool to pass up, especially since my breastfeeding journey won't last forever. Now seems like the perfect time.

On a deeper note, my amazing husband recently had a cancer scare. Knowing my liquid gold is shelf-stable gives me peace of mind. While breastmilk doesn’t cure cancer, it certainly doesn’t hurt to keep it stored.

Additionally, for mums dealing with high lipase levels, freeze-drying is a lifesaver. If your pumped milk has a soapy smell and your baby refuses to drink it, you know how stressful that can be. Freeze-drying helps preserve the integrity of the milk, making it more palatable.

So really, why wouldn’t I have my breastmilk freeze-dried? It’s a smart choice for many reasons, offering convenience, extended shelf life, and peace of mind.

Now, obviously, this has to be done professionally, so here enter my fairy milk godmothers—literally. The Milk Fairy is Australia’s favorite breastmilk freeze-drying service, so clearly the best for the job.

Straight from their website, here are a few more reasons why you should freeze-dry your breastmilk (I didn’t need any more convincing, but you might):

💫Travel like a boss
No more lugging around a bulky freezer—freeze-dried breast milk powder can easily fit in your carry-on luggage!

💫Zero wastage, maximum magic
No more dumping half a pouch of milk because you only needed a little. With your freeze-dried breast milk, you can reconstitute as much or as little as you need!

💫Disaster-proof milk
Power outages and natural disasters? No problem! The Milk Fairy ensures your breast milk is protected from anything life throws your way.

💫Extended immunity protection
Freeze-drying extends its shelf life, giving your little one extended protection against common viruses and bacteria into toddlerhood.

💫Nutrient-rich goodness
Their freeze-drying process maintains the structure of the molecules in your breast milk, ensuring maximum nutrient retention.

💫Convenient for caregivers
Prepare The Milk Fairy freeze-dried breast milk just like baby formula, with ease and convenience.

💫Bye-bye bland breast milk
Freeze-drying may eliminate any unpleasant taste in high lipase milk, leaving your little one with the sweet, natural taste of your breast milk.

💫Space-saving solution
Say goodbye to cluttered freezers; your breast milk stash can now live happily ever after without taking up precious space!

This week, I’m sending off 2 liters of my breastmilk to The Milk Fairy to have it turned into powder. The process is so simple, much simpler than I originally thought. You basically order online, and very quickly, within a few days, they send you everything you need to ship your breastmilk back to them. Their chosen food-safe courier picks up your frozen milk, transports it, and then in a few weeks, your breastmilk returns in powder form.

That's what I call magic. I will definitely keep you updated on the process.

But for now, go check out The Milk Fairy's website and keep an eye out for the next part!

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